Common species and characteristics of lionfish in China

Rare lionfish species and characteristics in China

There are four rare species of lionfish in the Chinese waters, including reticulated lionfish, black-spotted lionfish, fine-striped lionfish and Hebei lionfish. They are a group of cold-water and cold-temperature bottom species. There are certain differences in the physical characteristics of sea-dwelling fish, but it is not difficult to distinguish them. Friends who want to raise lionfish should learn about the species before raising them:
There are currently 1 genus and 4 species in China, all of which are found in yellow fish. Bohai Sea and East China Sea:
1. The rear lower edge of the reticulated lionfish's pectoral fin is concave, the body is covered with small spines, and there are gray and white large and small round spots.
2. Black-spotted lionfish, the lower edge of the back of the pectoral fin is also concave, the body is smooth, and there are a few dark-brown round spots on the upper side.
3. Fine-grained Lionfish

4. Hebei Lionfish, the lower and posterior edges of the pectoral fins are not concave. The last ray of the dorsal fin and anal fin of the former is connected to the center of the left and right edges of the caudal fin by a membrane. The head and body have multiple vertical stripes; the last ray of the latter's dorsal and anal fins is connected by a membrane to the left and right edges of the caudal fin near the base of the caudal fin.
Lionfish are mostly a group of cold-water and cold-temperature bottom-dwelling marine fish. They generally live in shallow water. Their pelvic fins heal into a sucker and are often adsorbed on rocks. There are also surface fish, such as the Lionfish genus, and deep-water fish. For example, in Paralionfish and Deepwater Lionfish, their suckers molt, producing filamentous pelvic fins. They lay eggs in winter, often on seaweed.
The female lionfish has an oviduct, and the eggs are laid in the crab shell. The larvae live in a wandering camp. Lionfish mainly eat crustaceans and also eat small fish. The more numerous species in China are fine-grained lionfish.

